BLUE Week!

Some say the Karner Blue Butterfly reminds us to be at peace with life and to feel calm and joy. 


The Karner Blue butterfly is a beautiful butterfly the size of a quarter. This local favorite is on the endangered list due, in part, to its threatened food source, Blue Lupine. Blue Lupine is the only food the Karner Blue eats and this plant is on the potentially threatened list. Blue Lupine grows in moist, sandy, well-drained soil and likes cool temperatures. Karner Blues like Savannahs, and both are found in NW Ohio and lower Michigan.

NW Ohio’s parks, preserves, scientists and native gardeners have been developing plans to protect Blue Lupine, and in turn, the Karner Blue. BLUE Week draws attention to just that.

BLUE Week is about exploring, getting to know and appreciate nature’s blue – Lupine, Karner Blue butterflies, blueberries, blue birds, blue jays, blue racer snakes and more. A week chock full of virtual and live programming at many of the area’s parks offers something for everyone.  Birding instruction, building a rain barrel, growing native plants and vegetables, the history of Oak Openings, All Things Blue, biological calendars and more.

BLUE Week runs from May 10-16. 
The full schedule is found at

Make time to visit and explore your parks during Blue Week and see
Mother Nature’s blue wonders.
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