"Bullet Train" is an action-comedy film directed by David Leitch, screenplay by Zak Olkewicz, and based on the novel by Kôtarô Isaka. David leach was once a stuntman and is now making...
Arnold Schwarzenegger was far and away the biggest movie star in the world by the time Terminator 2 was released, with a string of hits (Predator, Twins, Total Recall, Kindergarten Cop) speaking...
"Nope" is the third film from writer/director/producer Jordan Peele. "Get Out" and "Us" are exceptionally well-crafted films catered toward the horror/psychological thriller genre. "Nope" was inspired by Steven Spielberg's "ET," "Close Encounters...
"Thor: Love and Thunder" is the sequel to 2017's "Thor: Ragnarok" and the fourth Thor movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Taika Waititi is back to direct the sequel with more creative...
Steven Spielberg's 1993 original “Jurassic Park” is a filmmaking masterpiece. Combining the use of animatronics and computer-generated imagery, Spielberg was able to bring the dinosaurs to life and create a realistic visual...
Director Baz Luhrmann ("Romeo+Juliet," "Moulin Rouge" and "The Great Gatsby") dials the notches up to 11 to tell the chaotic and electric story of Elvis Presley's (Austin Butler) rise to unprecedented super-stardom...
Movie Review
Top Gun: Maverick
Rating: 4.5/5.0
The opening sequence is a callback to the original Top Gun with planes flying off aircraft carriers while the sun sets to the classic Kenny Loggins “Danger Zone.”...
The newest installment of the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe comes Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Directed by Sam Raimi, the horror savant behind the Evil Dead series takes a crack at his second...
Here is a beautiful film about redemption with a sincere message about how none of us are un-savable, no matter what we’ve done in our past. The inspirational biopic follows the life...
The latest rom-com action-adventure, “The Lost City,” is one of the funniest romcoms you’ll see in theaters this year! Full of fun treasure hunting, larger-than-life action sequences, beautiful romance, and solid chemistry...
Matt Reeves' "The Batman" at its core is a visceral detective story, a hard-hitting noir, and it feels like you're watching David Finchers' "Se7en.” It fully embraces the tragedy Bruce Wayne has...
Most depictions of the idea of an “afterlife” are full of fluffy white clouds and angels and harp music. Albert Brooks’ “Defending Your Life” has a different take— what if when you...