Survive The Season With Your Finances Intact

With higher credit card interest rates, consumers may feel more of a pinch with holiday gift shopping this year. Throw in the costs of...

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Dining Out: Uptown Fondue

Uptown Fondue & Wine Bar gives Northwest Ohioans the unique opportunity to have a hand in creating their own dining experience. Nestled in the...

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Mental Illness is Biologically Based: Let’s End the Stigma

Nearly one in five American adults experience mental illness in any given year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health – and one in 25 experience a serious mental illness (SMI)....

Health Notes Dec/Jan 2025

New COVID-19 Shots  As cold and flu season arrives, new vaccines warding against COVID-19 are available to the public. Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax have produced updated vaccines to prevent severe symptoms of today’s...

Past Articles

Raising Arizona (1987)

“My name is H.I. McDunnough. Call me ‘Hi.’” The Coen Brothers remain two of the most enigmatic and unpredictable filmmakers even now, nearly four decades into their careers. You never know what...

With Gratitude: Organizations serving Ohio’s 67,500 women vets

There are approximately 67,500 female veterans in Ohio, and roughly two million of the 19 million U.S. veterans are women. In Northwest Ohio, there are 194 female veterans identified. It is with...

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Chief Advocacy and Government Relations Officer - ProMedica

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