HomeInterestLocalMLocal: August 2022

MLocal: August 2022

Penn 7 Restoration Project Completed

Part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the project improved approximately 59 acres of terrestrial and aquatic habitat, on what was previously a confined disposal facility.  Penn 7 is an island area where sediment dredged from the Maumee River was deposited in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Located on the west side of the Maumee River, south of Bayview Park “the site now has the potential to be a fish and wildlife habitat, a downtown nature space, and an ecological asset to the community,” said Debra Shore, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Administrator.

Ready to Run?

The 2022 Annual Susan G, Komen Race for the Cure will take place  on Sunday, September 25, 2022 in and around downtown Toledo and  all are invited to participate.  Register at www.komen.org/community/ohio/northwest-ohio.

Hospice needs helping hands

Hospice of Northwest Ohio is looking for caring volunteers to work with individuals in home care and nursing facilities throughout the community. All volunteers will be trained before being assigned a role, and individuals who work with patients in inpatient centers will receive additional training. Most adult volunteers work with Hospice for four hours a week or less. Hospice needs aid in assisting patients in Lucas, Wood, Ottawa, Sandusky, Fulton, Henry and Monroe counties. If you are interested in being a helping hand, call 419-661-4001 or email jtucholski@hospicenwo.org.

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