HomeFood & DrinkDining out10 Local Eateries with all the ingredients for LOVE

10 Local Eateries with all the ingredients for LOVE

While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that certain foods enhance one’s love life, we do know that these foods won’t douse the flame, especially when enjoyed in some of Toledo’s locally-owned restaurants.  We suggest that you make plans to spend Valentine’s Day 2022 pursuing foods on the love list with your love interest.

1. Oysters. Everyone knows the tale that oysters are a food for love.  Take your Valentine to The Real Seafood Co. for a dozen of these briney gems. The atmosphere at this riverfront restaurant will certainly add to your romance.

realseafoodcorestaurant.com, 22 Main St., 888-456-3463

2. Chili peppers. Spice it up with the chili peppers, another love food, at Cocina de Carlos, where the food is authentic and lovingly prepared. The chilis,  when mixed with margaritas, are a certain aphrodisiac.  

concinadecarlos.com, 27072 Carronade Dr., Perrysburg, 419-872-0200

3. Sometimes, just being silly is the best flirtation. The Hippie Bowl at Basil Pizza is a silly sounding, but tasty item that includes avocado, another love food.  Tease a bit of courting with this dish.

basilpizzaandwinebar.com, 3145 Hollister Lane, Perrysburg, 419-873-6218

4. Did you know figs are a fruit of passion?  Evidently, Chef Erika from Registry Bistro does and she includes a pig-fig pate on her charcuterie board. Perfect to nibble on with your love in this beautiful, impeccable downtown restaurant.

registrybistro.com, 144 N. Superior, 419-725-0444

5. Bananas are a Valentine’s Day food.  Head straight to the Whiskey & Wolfe for their Bananas Foster.  Woo your soulmate with this sweet dessert and you will impress and walk away arm in arm. 

whiskeyandthewolf.com, 3515 W Alexis Rd. 

6. Red wine always sets “the mood which puts the nectar of the vine in the list of the top ten foods of love.  Where better to find a lovely, lusty bottle of red than at Mancy’s Italian and Bottle Shop where knowledgeable assistance greets you at the door?  

mancysitalian.com, 5453 Monroe St., 419-882-9229

7, 8 & 9. Everyone savors Honey, Nuts and Dark Chocolate and the luscious, sweet treats chefs make with these contenders of the Top Ten Love Foods List.  

Visit the Warehouse District for a piece of baklava, swimming in honey and covered with ice cream at Souk. 

Or treat your partner to nuts on the Chop House’s Carrot Cake Tres Leches.

Perhaps go high in the sky, for a Veteran’s bridge view and Chocolate
Lava Cake at The Heights. 

soukkitchenbar.com, 139 S. Huron, 567-777-7685

toledochophouse.com, 300 N Summit St #140, 419-720-6000 

theheightstoledo.com, 444 N. Summit, 419-243-7565

10. Garlic. Of course, this is on the list of aliments d’amour, but both you and your partner need to partake!  Get a quiet table at Poco Piatti and dip their fabulous bread in garlic dip as you sip a martini. What could be more romantic, in public?

pocopiatti.com, 6710 W. Central Ave. or 3155 Chappel Dr., Perrysburg, 419-931-0281

Have fun this Valentine’s Day and get lovey-dovey with your mate by sharing these foods. Show your sweetie your love at Toledo’s local restaurants.

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