Susan Gibney


Susan Gibney

Class is in Session: Continuing Education When You’re Out of School

Just because you’re out of school doesn’t mean you have to stop learning.

Ventura’s Mexican Food And Margaritas In friendly Surrounds

Ventura’s mexican food and margaritas in friendly surrounds.

Transition Your Home from Holiday to Winter with Cozy Accessories

As you pack the holiday decorations away, it’s a perfect time to cozy up for the long, cold months ahead with comforting shades and warm colors. “It’s all about texture, layering and pops of color,” said local Interior Designer Nikki Wolfe, who stresses that it’s possible to transform your living space on a budget.

“Tech the Halls” with Cool, Local Gifts—Gadgets Galore for Those You Adore

Navigate your way to a joyous holiday season with gifts that will please your tech-savvy friends and family members.

Venture the Old West End During Tours de Noel

Want to peek inside the gorgeous, historic homes of the Old West End? See five beautifully decorated homes along with the Milmine-Stewart House (Old West End Antiques), First Congressional Church and Glenwood...

John Sidwell’s Backyard Gardens

Sylvania Township Resident John Sidwell doesn’t have to go far to find his “Happy Place.” It’s literally in his St. James Wood backyard.

Pocco Piatti: Small Plate — Big Flavor

The name of Poco Piatti, means “small plates” – providing with diners the perfect opportunity to share delicious appetizer-size portions around the table with family and friends; A refreshing and interactive way to enjoy a meal, instead of each diner selecting their own entrée, the “Big Plate” option is always available for those who want a more traditional experience.

Susan Gibney