Welcome, From the Social Security Administration


Full Social Security Guide

By Erin Thompson, Public Affairs Specialist Toledo, OH

This is the first edition of “Social Security – Your Lifelong Partner.” I would like to thank Mature Living for the time, effort, resources, expertise and expense they have given to promote and provide this public service supplement to Northwest Ohio. 

In this section, you will receive valuable information on a multitude of topics, as Social Security truly touches everyone’s life from birth to death. You will read about benefits for people of all ages, information on fraud, retirement, disability, Medicare and how to access your own record through your “my Social Security” account.

As different situations arise in your life, this can become a handy reference to provide accurate information. It is our hope “Social Security – Your Lifelong Partner” will be beneficial to you and your family. Please keep this Social Security supplement and refer to it as issues and concerns arise.

***Produced at US Taxpayer Expense