HomeOnlineSee the Mona Lisa

See the Mona Lisa

Virtual Museums around the World

Even without the pandemic, many of us will never travel the world and visit the great museums.  But due to the pandemic, beautiful arts, interesting sciences and learning opportunities are as close as our computers.

Here are links to and short descriptions of Worldwide, free virtual events available anytime.

Natural History Museum at South Kensington, U.K., https://www.nhm.ac.uk/visit/virtual-museum.html.

See whales, birds, mammals, beetles and more.


Smithsonian Natural History Museum


Fossils, stones, gems, The Hope Diamond,


The Dali Museum


As interesting as the artist himself!


The Mutter Museum of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia


See Einstein’s brain and Grover Cleveland’s jaw. Be a bone detective.  Current exhibit is “Going Viral: Infection Through the Ages,


The Louvre


Egyptical Antiquities, Mona Lisa, 800 Years of History


Hundreds of virtual tours and collections via Google


Sort by name, country.

The Leopold, Life Magazine photography, Georgia O’Keefe

The options are endless.


National Museum for the Great Lakes


Tour the Col. James M. Schoonmaker Ship


Destination Toledo provides links to multiple area treats


Toledo Zoo Aquarium and Natural History Museums, Toledo Symphony Performances, Rutherford B. Haynes Presidential Museum and more

See Detroit from the comfort of your home.


Henry Ford Museum, Arab American National Museum, Detroit Institute of the Arts are just a few available tours offered at this site.

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