Looking for something to warm your heart this Valentine’s Day? Here are a few suggestions.
Ice Restaurant will be open February 12th & 13th 4pm-9pm with a special dinner menu. Reservations are limited!
419-246-3339 405 Madison Ave., www.icetoledo.com
Eat in a geodesic Igloo at Blarney Irish Pub, where the chef is preparing a 5-course meal. Reservations required for an igloo! 601 Monroe St. 419-418-2339 theblarneyirishpub.com
Gino’s is cooking up heart shaped pizzas! 5307 Monroe Street. 419-843-3567 www.originalginos.com
Treat your love to a full brunch at Manhattan’s Pub ‘n Cheer,1516 Adams St., Sunday, February 14, 2021 – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,Reservations: 419-243-667 manhattanstoledo.com/brunch
Registry Bistro is preparing a Valentine’s Dinner for Two at Home. Curbside pick-up on Saturday, February 13. 144 N. Superior, 419-725-0444 www.refgistrybistro.com
Ameera Mediterranean Bistro is out to impress with a 5 course meal February 8,9,10. Call ahead. 5127 Main St., Sylvania, 419-517-9999 www.ameeramediterraneanbistro.com
Snuggle up to the beautiful bar at Blue Water Grill for oysters and champagne. 461 Dussel Dr., Maumee. 419-724-2583 www.mancys.com/bluewater
Brandywine Country Club has created a special Valentine’s weekend menu. Dine-In or get it to go. 6904 Salisbury Rd., Maumee. Call to make reservations. (419) 865-2393 www.brandywinecc.com