When you feel good your body reflects it. Your hair and skin glow, your energy soars and your mental health is stable. What is not to love about that. Our experts here give us some insight about what they do to stay healthy.
Advanced Wellness and Chiropractic Center
3454 Oak Alley Ct. #100.
9am-1pm & 3-6pm, Monday,
Wednesday & Thursday. Tuesday nutrition, by appointment.
Dr. Cynthia Radkowski
What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it? Guilty of cleaning too much. I find things to clean or organize that most people would think silly.
What’s your first rule for health? I have to be healthy and make choices I would ask my patients to do
Tell us about a defining moment in your life. Leaving a medical profession job to become a chiropractor. I was helped with chiropractic and went back to school to become a chiropractor. This is my second career.
What makes you happy? Being at a polka dance or festival or dance even.
My refrigerator is always stocked with . . . Olives.
What can you do to feel better immediately? Drink more water than you think you drink and sit up straight, breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. That opens up the heart lung chakra as well.
What’s your favorite healthy snack? Almonds, and then walnuts.
What would be the title of your book? I’m a true sagittarian.
Toledo Clinic Orthopaedics
4235 Secor Rd., 419-479-5820. Glennwhittedmd.com
8:30am-5:30pm, Monday-Friday.
Glenn Whitted, MD
What’s your first rule for health? Get the proper amount of good sleep!
How does looking good relate to feeling good? The things we have to do to LOOK good—
exercise, eat right, get sleep, and take care of ourselves— are things that also naturally make us FEEL good.
Tell us about a defining moment in your life. Making the choice to leave the United States
to go to medical school abroad— in Germany.
What advice would you give the younger you? Don’t take everything so seriously – and live in the moment!
What do you think about when you’re driving alone? My wonderful children and their lives.
What changes are you seeing in your industry? The industry and insurers care less and less about our patients.
My refrigerator is always stocked with… Cheese!
How do you stay inspired? Look at how hard my colleagues work – for the same reasons as mine.
What would be the title of your book? “Let Your Children Be Your Legacy.”
What advice would you give to someone new to your industry?
Let the theme of “always be good to people” guide you in your work.
Bravia Dermatology Group, LLC
2000 Regency Ct. Suite 201.
419-948-3376. BraviaDerm.com
8:30am-4:30pm, Monday-Thursday.
8:30-2pm, Friday.
7am and lunch appointments available.
Matthew A. Molenda, MD
What’s your first rule for health? Always wear sunscreen.
How does looking good relate to feeling good?
People who look their best typically feel their best.
What makes you happy? Smiles from my twins and the sound of their laughter
My secret weapon is… Good skin care and a ZO Skin Health Retinol product.
What’s the best thing about your job? I get to cure cancer every day.
What changes are you seeing in your industry? More men are getting interested in cosmetic and laser procedures
My refrigerator is always stocked with…. LaCroix and Botox.
Something I could happily enjoy every day of my life is: Playing with my kids.
What is the most important part of your morning routine? My ZO Skin Health regimen, including sunscreen.
Luxe Laser Center
1500 Holland Rd., Maumee. 419-893-2775.
Luxe-laser.com 9am-6pm, Monday-Tuesday & Friday.
9am-8pm, Wednesday-Thursday. 9am-1pm, Saturday.
Nicole Banker & Wade Banker, M.D.
How does looking good relate to feeling good? Sometimes doing something for yourself, such as a cosmetic procedure, can help give you the push you need to stick to a healthy lifestyle.
What’s the best thing about your job? The patients. I am really lucky to have the ability to help great people reach their goals on a daily basis.
What changes are you seeing in your industry? Technology is advancing and changing the way some procedures are performed. Patients are seeing better results, lower costs, and easier recovery than ever before. It’s exciting to see how far things have come.
What can you do to feel better immediately? As you age past 30, you lose hormone balance. Replace the hormones and you’ll feel 20+ years younger. It’s our secret weapon against aging.
Associates in Women’s Health
5300 Harroun Rd., Suite 201 | 419-843-4836
9am-4:30pm, Monday-Thursday. 9am-3pm, Friday.
David Jackson, DO
What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it? Ice cream. I limit it, but don’t totally avoid it.
Tell us about a defining moment in your life? The day my first child was born. It was a moment of overwhelming love and gratitude.
What advice would you give the younger you? Not to stress so much over the small things.
What makes you happy? My family makes me happy, and so does going out and seeing new places, doing new things.
What keeps you awake at night? Worrying about things I shouldn’t really worry about!
To get away from it all, I… Travel as much as I can to wherever I can.
What do you think about when you’re driving alone? I love to listen to books on tape. Otherwise, I think about my day.
My refrigerator is always stocked with… Fruit— I love all kinds.
How do you cut yourself some slack? I remind myself that I am just a work in progress. I do not need to stay the same. I can change things, one thing at a time.
What’s your favorite healthy snack? Fruit or popcorn.