Dear Readers,
What will 2022 bring?

It has been awhile. Our print date changed from odd numbered months to even numbered months so we didn’t publish a print edition in March. I hope you stayed in touch on our website and read our weekly newsletters (sign up on the website) with regularly updated content. We have been thinking about you, our readers, over the past few months. We put out plenty of information about a variety of topics including area happenings, movies, recipes, contests and even gave away tickets to a Chef Alton Brown show in Detroit. If you visit our website, you will find great, helpful information as well as a super calendar. There are so many offerings in the NW Ohio area to keep us active, and as busy as we want to be.

As I write this, I am overwhelmed by the terrifying and reprehensible actions by Putin in the Ukraine. I can’t get this war out of my mind. I am sure I am not alone and that many of you are also trying to make sense of this war while looking to find ways to help Ukrainians. I wonder, will refugees come to Toledo? If so, I know  I will open my home. If you are able, will you? In signing-off, I remind myself and you to be kind to all.

Kyle Alison Cubbon
Assignment Editor