Jeff McGinnis


Jeff McGinnis

“Top Secret” (1984)

"Top Secret" (1984) One of the big comedy revolutions of the 1980s was the rise of the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker trio-- the ZAZ team, as they came to be known by their fans. Jim Abrahams...

Pride is Live Again: 2021 celebration in Promenade Park

In 2020, the Toledo Pride celebration was forced to adapt. Rather than a traditional, sprawling event with parades, vendors and more, the annual celebration of the area’s LGBTQIA+ community was limited in...

New historical marker to honor Negro League

A new historical marker in Toledo will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the launch of the Negro National League.

Imagination Regeneration: Imagination Station to reopen on May 28

The Imagination Station at 1 Discovery Way has announced that it will officially reopen to the public beginning on Friday, May 28.

Stroll the Street in Rossford: Weekly event returns June 16

The Rossford Convention and Visitors Bureau announced that its summer events, entitled “Stroll the Street — Wednesdays in Rossford” will resume this year.

Prized possessions get spotlight at Hayes Museum

Share the story of that special family heirloom or photograph at one of the Hayes Presidential Library’s Retro Roundtable discussions in April. 

AOA helps 300 older adults get vaccinated

The Area Office on Aging co-sponsored a Vaccine Clinic in the Ohio Senior Community of Toledo on February 10.

The ladies of the lighthouses

Patricia Majher, former editor of Michigan History magazine and author of the book Ladies of the Lights: Michigan Women in the U.S. Lighthouse Service will present a discussion about the book and its subjects in this online event.

Jeff McGinnis