HomeInterestToledo's first ever ketamine transfusion center

Toledo’s first ever ketamine transfusion center

The Northwest Ohio Ketamine Clinic has partnered with the Comprehensive Centers for Pain Management and West Central Surgical Center to open Toledo’s first ever ketamine transfusion center, the NorthWest Ohio Ketamine Clinic. Ketamine, an anesthetic, has been shown to be useful in helping patients with depression (including suicidal thoughts), general anxiety disorder, PTSD, OCD, bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. The NWOKC uses infusion therapy, meaning that the treatment will be monitored intravenously onsite. While ketamine has a potential for addiction, if you feel it could be useful in helping with some of your diagnosed issues, contact NWOKC at 419-344-0563 ornwohioketamineclinic.com.

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