The Home Energy Assistance Summer Crisis Program is now providing a one-time benefit to eligible Lucas County Residents to receive cooling assistance throughout the summer months.
The program began earlier this summer, July 1 and will run until Sept. 30.
Eligible households will receive a one-time benefit to assist with electric utility bills, central air conditioning repairs, window air conditioning unit or fan purchases.
The 2024 SCP will provide eligible households with a one-time benefit to assist with electric utility bills, central air conditioning repairs, window air conditioning unit and/or fan purchases.
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To be eligible for cooling assistance households income must be at or below 175% poverty guideline and must meet at least one additional eligibility criteria listed below:
- Households with a household member who is either 60 years of age and older.
- A household member with documented medical conditions verified by a Licensed Medical Professional who is qualified under Ohio State Law to write prescriptions. (Must present verified documentation from your physician or registered nurse practitioner. Documentation must state: “Due to a chronic illness, this patient would benefit from continued electric service and/or air conditioning.”) Download Form.
- A household members electric utility has a disconnect notice, has been shut off, or new electric service is being established for the household.
- A household member who is enrolling in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP) are eligible for assistance towards their default PIPP payment, or first PIPP payment.
- PIPP PLUS customers are eligible for assistance towards their default PIPP payment, first PIPP payment, central air conditioning repairs. PIPP PLUS customers may receive an air conditioning unit and/or fan, if they are current with PIPP Plus installments.
The 2024-2025 eligible income level:
Size of Household | Total Household Income 12 Months | 30-Day Income Limit |
1 | $26,355.00 | $2,166.16 |
2 | $35,770.00 | $2,940.00 |
3 | $45,185.00 | $3,713.84 |
4 | $54,600.00 | $4,487.67 |
5 | $64,015.00 | $5,261.51 |
6 | $73,430.00 | $6,035.34 |
7 | $82,845.00 | $6,809.18 |
8 | $90,515.00 | $7,439.59 |
To apply for assistance, apply online at, make a phone appointment online or call 567-354-0202.
For more information or to find out if you are eligible for assistance, visit