The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library’s latest digital exhibit aims to give Toledoans a sense of the history of their community’s history and evolution, as reflected in its architecture.
“Growing Up in Toledo” is a new online presentation that sees Glass City buildings and their history set at the forefront. Separated into three distinct sections focusing on Entertainment, Education and Lifestyle, with photos and written histories accompanying each subject.
Local landmarks such as the Heatherdowns Country Club and the F.E. Cottrell Apartment Building are covered in detail, as well as former area mainstays like Willow Beach Amusement Park, which was located on the current site of Cullen Park. The histories of depression-era schools and early movie houses such as the Westwood are also examined.
The exhibit is the result of the work of six Lourdes students– Jason Almony, Maegen Anders, Noel Barrera, Chelsea Klotz, Lawrence McClorrine and Alec Thacker. The group researched the subject as part of a Digital and Media Studies class conducted by Dr. Susan Shelangoskie.
The six students worked with the Library’s History and Genealogy staff to assemble the material, resulting in a collaborative effort that gives visitors to the page a genuine sense of the progression of the city from its earliest days in the mid-19th century through today.
To check out the online exhibit yourself, visit