Lavender Farms
When was the last time you took a half day to visit a farm and small town for no reason other than to have fun?
A friend and I recently took a short trip to visit Lavender Lane, a family run farm in Milan, MI. We were greeted by rows and rows of English (purple flowers) and French (white flowers) lavender plants and the owner’s wife and sister who, on our visit day, were busily tending the gardens, packaging flowers and operating a gift shop.
We were taught how to properly cut our own flowers (without damaging the plants) and then invited to enjoy ourselves as we toured the gardens, cut lavender and breathed in the distinct and floral smells.
Lavender Lane provides picnic tables and invites visitors to pack a lunch to enjoy as they take in the sweet smells of lavender.
The gift shop sells honey made from the bees that pollinate the gardens and many made-on-the-farm soaps, candles, creams, sanitizers and jams. Of course, the farm also sells live lavender plants.
We enjoyed everything about Lavender Lane, including the bees too busy pollinating the plants to bother with the humans.
Lavender Lane is owned by Joe and Courtney Pusta and is located at 12040 Plank, Milan, MI. It is a good idea to call before visiting as the end of season is the end of September. 734-239-2213.
After the farm, we took a short drive to Dundee for a walk through its old-time downtown and lunch. The town center boasts many antique shops, gift shops, a tarot reader and lunch choices of pizza, coney island fare and great bar food.Â
There are other lavender farms within an hour or two of Toledo. Unfortunately, many are closed for the season or did not open at all in 2021 due to the delicate nature for lavender plants. Schooner Farms, in Weston, OH, 419-261-0908, is open.