Fred Cicetti


Fred Cicetti

The Healthy Senior: Arthritis

Q. It seems to me that arthritis is a catch-all term for all kinds of aches and pains. What exactly is arthritis?   Arthritis, which comes in more than 100 different forms, is inflammation...

The Healthy Senior: Forgetting Things

Q. I’m 78 and I'm forgetting things more often now. Should I be worried? For starters, worrying is a waste of time. If you think your forgetfulness is the sign of the onset...

The Healthy Senior: Skin Checkup

Question: My skin has all kinds of small spots like my father used to have. My doctor checks them out and says they are all harmless. But, what exactly are they? As we...

The Healthy Senior: Colonoscopy Rule

Q. When seniors gather, it doesn't seem to take long before we get to our aches and pains. You must get more than your share of that. My friend, Pete, has instituted a...

The Healthy Senior: How Important is Exercise?

Q. How important is exercise when you are a senior? Is it worth the risks of hurting yourself? All the current scientific evidence shows that geezers should exercise, even though many older people...

The Healthy Senior: Taking a Spill

Q. I'm 79 and I've taken a couple of spills in the last few months. I'm concerned that I might not be as steady on my feet as I used to be....

The Healthy Senior: Sleeping and Aging

Q: I have found that I don't sleep as well as I used to when I was younger. How common is this? Many people believe that poor sleep is a normal part of...

The Healthy Senior: Eye Floaters

Question: I’ve been noticing this thing in my eye. At first I thought it was an eyelash. Then I realized the thing was actually in my eye. One of my friends told...

Fred Cicetti