MLiving ASKS


What was the best advice you received
from one or both of your parents?

Chiquita Bennett

That’s an easy answer, both my parents  taught me to always do the right thing, challenge myself always, search for answers that  always garners the best outcome. Strive to hold the standards that make them proud, and stay true to who I am. And it’s ok to laugh , love and live  the best life  I possibly can, That is the best advice I have ever gotten and hold that standard.



Joe Szafarowicz

My parents are both retired teachers and always made a point to go out of their way and care for others. So the best advice they ever gave me was really more of a lead by example scenario and help others when you can! You never really know what impact the smallest gesture of kindness can have on someone in their time of need.

Kate Philabaum

“Energy creates Energy”
. This advice – mantra – refrain frequently came from my father as a way of motivating me to start a project.  While it’s not scientifically accurate, just getting started is the first step to getting results. Whether it’s cleaning the house or planning a big event – once begun, momentum seems to increase toward the finish line. Now I torture my own children by repeating the same phrase!

Jeff Petitt

“Work hard & save your money”